Providing Data


@Thailand / Cambodia / Vietnam

AGRIBUDDY connects researchers to cassava growers to reduce the impact of pests and diseases on their crops

Cassava is a staple root crop with several food and non-food uses. In South-East Asia, which is the main producer of cassava, this crop is threatened by a number of pests and diseases causing severe disruptions in both supply as well as farmers’ livelihoods.

Therefore as part of the SATREPS program by Japan’s JICA and JST, efforts were made to investigate the extent of the problem in Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam, provide mitigation and limit the damage caused by multiple afflictions of the cassava crop. Originally, the program required researchers to visit many regions, spend several days assessing the problems and helping to solve them, meeting with farmers and local citizens and introducing preventative measures.

With AGRIBUDDY’s tools, data and information on various pest afflictions were remotely gathered for several regions, thereby enabling researchers to solve problems remotely in several areas, and even if visits to sites were required, the tools helped them plan shorter field trips, and thereby use valuable researchers’ time more efficiently. The result of AGRIBUDDY’s entry into the scene was that more areas were covered faster, and cheaper.


Gathered data in one month
Discovered pathogen specimen
Witches' Broom